jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

You don´t need to smoke or to drink to have a good time.

 Today it´s rare to see modern teenagers that don´t smoke or drink. Most people who try the snuff or drink for the first time only say that they will do it in a single occasion, but then it creates addition and is very difficult to leave, especially snuff. Many people start smoking or drinking when they go to a party with his or her friends, since they feel different or rare because others are smoking or drinking and here is when they start drinking. I think this is true because when I go to a party I might feel different from others because they are drinking and I didn´t.  However, I think it depends on your personality because when you go to a party you don´t need to drink or smoke to have fun, so, when I go to a Party I only took a drink or I take a bottle of water.

I've never drank or smoked and probably many people call me a weird but I'd rather be a rare before being embarrassed and not lead a healthy life. For these people when they reach a certain age, they begin to have health problems and they can´t do nothing. A part of it when I go to a party I realize that alcohol affects one´s mood; you becomes happier, do crazy things and the next day you don´t remember anything. Moreover, these follies may involve many problems, because if you're drunk, people can fool you and tell you to do something or can take advantage of you and then the next day they can upload photos or videos to social networks and you regret what you've done but because you can´t do anything. I think it´s not necessary to drink or smoke at parties to make friends, then I believe these people who smoke and drink should avoid it. You can have a good time with your friends playing sports, watching movies, going to a concert of a singer you like, going to malls, going to an amusement park or to travel, therefore you don´t need to go to a party and drink or smoke to amuse you.

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